Section 2: Excluding Props

This is covered in passing in Section 1 but we focus on it here as it is such a common issue. HOCs often inject props to premade components. The problem we want to solve is having the HOC-wrapped-component exposing a type that reflects the reduced surface area of props - without manually retyping the HOC every time. This involves some generics, fortunately with some helper utilities.

Say we have a component:

type DogProps {
name: string
owner: string
function Dog({name, owner}: DogProps) {
return <div> Woof: {name}, Owner: {owner}</div>

And we have a withOwner HOC that injects the owner:

const OwnedDog = withOwner("swyx")(Dog);

We want to type withOwner such that it will pass through the types of any component like Dog, into the type of OwnedDog, minus the owner property it injects:

typeof OwnedDog; // we want this to be equal to { name: string }
<Dog name="fido" owner="swyx" />; // this should be fine
<OwnedDog name="fido" owner="swyx" />; // this should have a typeError
<OwnedDog name="fido" />; // this should be fine
// and the HOC should be reusable for completely different prop types!
type CatProps = {
lives: number;
owner: string;
function Cat({ lives, owner }: CatProps) {
return (
{" "}
Meow: {lives}, Owner: {owner}
const OwnedCat = withOwner("swyx")(Cat);
<Cat lives={9} owner="swyx" />; // this should be fine
<OwnedCat lives={9} owner="swyx" />; // this should have a typeError
<OwnedCat lives={9} />; // this should be fine

So how do we type withOwner?

  1. We get the types of the component: keyof T
  2. We Exclude the property we want to mask: Exclude<keyof T, 'owner'>, this leaves you with a list of names of properties you want on the wrapped component e.g. name
  3. (optional) Use intersection types if you have more to exclude: Exclude<keyof T, 'owner' | 'otherprop' | 'moreprop'>
  4. Names of properties aren't quite the same as properties themselves, which also have an associated type. So we use this generated list of names to Pick from the original props: Pick<keyof T, Exclude<keyof T, 'owner'>>, this leaves you with the new, filtered props, e.g. { name: string }
  5. (optional) Instead of writing this manually each time, we could use this utility: type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>
  6. Now we write the HOC as a generic function:
function withOwner(owner: string) {
return function <T extends { owner: string }>(
Component: React.ComponentType<T>
) {
return function (props: Omit<T, "owner">): JSX.Element {
const newProps = { ...props, owner } as T;
return <Component {...newProps} />;

(Link to TS Playground)

Note that we need to do a type coercion here.

This is because TypeScript does not know that merging Omit<T, "owner"> and {owner: "whatever"} is the same as T.

See this GitHub issue for more.

Learn More

We will need to extract lessons from here in future but here they are:

Last updated on by krishnaUIDev