React.memo or useMemo Memorization hook ๐Ÿ’พ

Memoization is an optimization technique used to primarily speed up programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached results when the same inputs occur again.

This can be achieve in react using the React.memo or useMemo react hook.

useMemo takes the react functional component and render it initially and on subsequent render the hook internally take care of shouldComponentUpdate method which check the current states or props and decide whether to render the component or not

useMemo or React.memo is the one of the major advantage to optimize the application performance by reducing the redundant rendering

What is the cost of React.memo or useMemo?

A memoized component compares old with news props to decide, if to re-render each render cycle. A plain component does not care and just renders, after props/state change in a parent.

When NOT use React React.memo or useMemo?

There are no hard rules. Things, that affect React.memo or useMemo negatively:

  • component often re-renders with props, that have changed anyway
  • component is cheap to re-render
  • comparison function is expensive to perform

There are few consideration while implementing the useMemo hook

  • If we pass a function to a component as a props useMemo will think its a new one and update the component always. Instead we can use useCallback for the function and pass the reference of the callback function instead
  • If we pass a object as a props to a component then like function useMemo will think it as new one and update the component always

Here is the live example of React.memo and useMemo hooks please refer the codesandbox

Last updated on by krishnaUIDev