

Basic Git Setup

  • To check git version
git --version
  • To setup global username
git config –global “Your Name”
  • To know the username
git config
  • To set the email with the username
git config –global “Github Email”
  • To list all the usernames with their email
git config –list

Creation of a Git Repository

  • To initiate the git repository
git init
  • To know the status of the modifications done
git status

Staging and Commiting Changes in a Git Repository

  • To add the file or folder for staging
git add filename
git add foldername
  • To add multiple files or folders for staging at once
git add filename foldername foldername
  • To add all files and folders to staging
git add .
  • To unstage the file from the staging
git rm –cached filename
git restore --staged filename
  • To commit the changes
git commit -m “Commit Message”
  • To log all the detailed history of commits
git log
  • To log history of commits in short brief (single line)
git log --oneline
  • To go back to the previous commit
git checkout commitid
  • To revert back to the previous commit from the present commit
git revert commitid
  • To remove all the commits and return to the very initial commit
git reset commitid
  • To forcefully remove all commits without any prompts and history
git reset commitid –hard

Branches in Git

  • To check/know the present branch
git branch
  • To take to the desired branch
git branch branchname
  • To move out from the present branch to the targeted branch
git checkout branchname
  • To delete the selected branch forcefully (-d is used when it is not merged)
    • NOTE: First be at another branch apart from targeted branch during deletion
git branch -d branchname
  • To delete the selected branch forcefully (-D is used when it is merged)
    • NOTE: First be at another branch apart from targeted branch during deletion
git branch -D branchname
  • To create new branch
    • NOTE: It does two things at once, first creates the new branch and shifts on it
git checkout -b newbranchname
  • To merge the branch with the master
    • NOTE: Before merge any branch, we should commit all the changes and then move to the master node
git merge branchname

Git Remote Repository Setup

  • To show all the remote git repositories
git remote
  • To show all the remote git repositories with the link
    • NOTE: v stands for verbose
git remote -v
  • To pdd the remote URL and push on it
git push remote add origin gitrepourl
  • To push local repository to the remote repository online at the branch master of remote
git push origin master
  • To push forcefully local repository to remote repository online at the branch of master of remote
git push origin master --force
  • To delete the remote repository mentioned as arguement (remote name) and its URL from its memory
git remove rm remotename
  • To push instantly (when origin is already set)
git push

Remote to Local Repository Setup

  • To clone the remote repository to the local machine
git clone URL
  • To update the remote changes into the local repository
git pull
Last updated on by krishnaUIDev