
How to Exclude Files and Folders during Commit and Push

  • Removal of Metadata folders of IDE
  • For Example - IntelliJ IDEA generates .idea folder, Eclipse IDE generates metadata, bin folders, and in many such scenarios

Method 1:

  • Steps:
    • Locate the local repository of the project in which Git is initialised and if not, initialise it.
    • Look for .gitignore file in the same repository.
    • Add the filesname or folders names to exclude with their path.
    • User wild card character ( * ) for multiple files of same file type.
  • For Example :
  • Git will automatically ignore these files and folders from Staging or Commiting or Pushing.
  • Proceed with the normal way of Staging, Commiting and Pushing.
  • To ignore all .a files - .a
  • but do track lib.a, even though you're ignoring .a files above - !lib.a
  • only ignore the TODO file in the current directory, not subdir/TODO - /TODO
  • ignore all files in any directory named build - build/
  • ignore doc/notes.txt, but not doc/server/arch.txt - doc/*.txt
  • ignore all .pdf files in the doc/ directory and any of its subdirectories - doc/**/*.pdf

Method 2:

  • Steps:
    • First, be in local respository of the project in which Git is initialised and if not, initialise it.
git pull RemoteRepoLink
git rm -rf folder-name

r stands for Recurrsively

f stands for Forcefully

  • For Example : git rm -rf .idea/
git commit -m "commit message"
git remote add origin RemoteRepoLink
git push -u origin master
Last updated on by krishnaUIDev