Map and WeakMap

Questions πŸ€”
  1. Why Map when there is a Object
  2. Do Map allow NaN as a key?
  3. Map vs Object
  4. Map vs WeakMap
  5. What are the application of WeakMap :::


Map is a key/value data structure introduced in ES6. Map can use any data type(primitive and objects) as a key and can maintain the order of its entries. Maps have elements of both Objects (a unique key/value pair collection), but are more similar to Objects conceptually.

let myMap = new Map();
myMap.set('myKey', 'myValue'); // Key as a primitive datatype (string)
let myObj = {myKey: 'myValue'};
myMap.set(myObj, 'myValue'); // Key as a Object
myMap.get('myKey'); // myValue
myMap.get(myObj); // myValue

Methods and properties are

  • map.set(key, value) – stores the value by the key
  • map.get(key) – returns the value by the key, undefined if key doesn’t exist in map
  • map.has(key) – returns true if the key exists, false otherwise
  • map.delete(key) – removes the value by the key
  • map.clear() – removes everything from the map
  • map.size – returns the current element count

Salient features of Map

πŸ”Έ The iteration goes in the same order as the values were inserted. Map preserves this order, unlike a regular Object, So [] or [] has a particular order
πŸ”Έ Map key comparison is roughly the same as strict equality === which uses SameValueZero Algorithm, but the difference is that NaN is considered equal to NaN. So NaN can be used as the key as well.
πŸ”Έ Every map.set call returns map itself, so we can chain the calls

map.set('hero', 'IronMan').set(InfinityStones, 5).set(IsIronManAlive, false);

Iteration over Map

For looping over a map, there are 3 methods:

  • map.keys() – returns an iterable for keys
  • map.values() – returns an iterable for values
  • map.entries() – returns an iterable for entries [key, value], it’s used by default in for..of

Object.entries: Map from Object

When a Map is created, we can pass an array (or another iterable) with key/value pairs for initialization

// array of [key, value] pairs
let map = new Map([
['hero', 'Batman'],
[007, 'James Bond'],
[true, 'Indian'],
console.log(map.get('1')); // str1
Key TypeAccepts any type as KeyOnly accept string as a key
TraversalMaps are traversal can traverse easily with for...ofTraversal is possible by obtaining key
Default ValuesNoneInherited keys from object


JavaScript engine stores a value in memory while it is reachable (and can potentially be used)

let superHero = {name: 'Batman'};
console.log(superHero); // Batman
// Override the reference
superHero = null; // This value will be garbage collected

Usually, properties of an object or elements of an array or another data structure are considered reachable and kept in memory while that data structure is in memory.

For instance, if we put an object into an array, then while the array is alive, the object will be alive as well, even if there are no other references to it.

let dc = {name: 'Batman'};
let superHero = [dc];
// Override the reference
dc = null;
// dc is stored inside the array, so it won't be garbage-collected
// we can get it as superHero[0]

Similar to that, if we use an object as the key in a regular Map, then while the Map exists, that object exists as well. It occupies memory and may not be garbage collected.

let dc = {name: 'Batman'};
let superHero = new Map();
superHero.set(dc, '----');
// Override the reference
dc = null;
// dc is stored inside the map, so it won't be garbage-collected
// we can get it as superHero.keys()

WeakMap is fundamentally different in this aspect. It doesn’t prevent garbage-collection of key objects

WeakMap do allow only object as a key. Primitive values for a key is not acceptable

Similarly like map if we use an object as the key in it, and there are no other references to that object – it will be removed from memory (and from the map) automatically.

let dc = {name: 'Batman'};
let superHero = new WeakMap();
superHero.set(dc, '----');
// Override the reference
dc = null; // dc is garbage garbage-collected

WeakMap methods

  • weakMap.get(key)
  • weakMap.set(key, value)
  • weakMap.delete(key)
  • weakMap.has(key)

WeakMap does not support iteration methods and property keys(), values(), entries() and size so there’s no way to get all keys/values and total size from it.

Applications of WeakMap

  • WeakMap can be used when there is a limited memory
  • This can be used for caching. Usually in caching service we refresh the contents with new content and delete the older one
  • WeakMap in javascript does not hold any keys or values, it just manipulate key value using a unique id and define property to key object. because it define property to key by method Object.defineProperty(), key must not be primitive type.

  • WeaKMap does not contain actually key value pairs, we cannot get length property of weakmap.

  • Manipulated value is assigned back to key, garbage collector easily can collect key if it in no use

// sample implementation code by Google
if (typeof WeakMap != undefined) {
(function () {
var WeakMap = function () {
this.__id = '__weakmap__';
weakmap.set = function (key, value) {
var pVal = key[this.__id];
if (pVal && pVal[0] == key) {
pVal[1] = value;
} else {
Object.defineProperty(key, this.__id, {value: [key, value]});
return this;
window.WeakMap = WeakMap;



Last updated on by krishnaUIDev